Cuban Visa

Download the application for a Cuban visa here /only for citizens of Bulgaria/. You can issue a Cuban visa at the Cuban embassy in our country. For this purpose you will need a filled application form, valid travel insurance for the period you are planning to stay in Cuba, a passport format of your photograph, a booked plane ticket, and a hotel room. I can assist you with all. If you have Russian or Serbian citizenship, you won’t be needing a Cuban visa. since I am a citizen of Bulgaria let me tell you some details concerning the Cuban visa for Bulgarians. It is issued for a maximum period of 2 months with the purpose of stay – tourism. If you are a Bulgarian citizen in Cuba following your first month you need to certify your Cuban visa at the immigration office in the city where you have been initially registered, and following the second month, you will be asked to leave the territory of Cuba.

There is also an option for a business visa.

Note that if you are traveling to Cuba to get married, you MUST NOT travel with a tourist visa. 

Download the application for a Cuban visa here /only for citizens of Bulgaria/.

Fill in the form to contact me for assistance.